Farmers invoice government for 10.5 billion dollars

The group is angered by, among other things, the federal government’s rhetoric claiming credit for meeting Australia’s Kyoto emissions targets, rhetoric like this from Environment Minister Malcolm Turnbull on May 2:

…Australia is tracking within one percentage point of meeting its Kyoto target over the five years 2008 to 2012.

The Australian Government has invested more than $20 billion on measures to protect the environment, including more than $2 billion on climate change measures that by 2010 will result in emissions savings of 87 million tonnes each year from going into the atmosphere.

The farmers claim that their reduction in land clearing is responsible for Australia staying on track to meeting our Kyoto target, with no help from the federal, or state, governments.

The Commonwealth Property Protection Association also quotes the head of the Australia Institute Clive Hamilton in their advertisement:

Clive Hamilton’s NEW Book "Scorcher" the dirty politics of climate change …. quells the conspiracy theory — it is now a fact — small landowners and farmers have been offered on the altar at Kyoto as sacrificial lambs in delivering carbon credits to the world through the "Australia Clause" of the Kyoto Protocol.

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