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“First shots fired in mining battle”
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6:10 PM (43 minutes ago)
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Dear friends and supporters,
“First shots fired in mining battle”: That’s the headline of an article in today’s Australian Financial Review. Over the last two days, we’ve been bombarded with news of how the Minerals Council of Australia has started a campaign against the divestment campaign. As the article in the AFR points out, it’s our clearest sign yet that we’re having impact:
“The decision to loose the Minerals Council on the coal problem says only that the campaign to undermine community, investor and government confidence in Australia’s second biggest export industry is beginning to develop potentially debilitating momentum.”
We believe we can win this battle, but we need your support to make us powerful enough to win this fight. To sustain our efforts in the coming months, we need 100 people to donate monthly an average of $8/week. Will you be one of those 100 people? Click here to find out how.
Up until now, the coal industry has been content in taking the occasional pot shot at us, but now they know we mean business and are determined to take us on. Yesterday, writing in The Australian, the CEO of the Minerals Council came out attacking 350.org and other groups fighting coal. It was also revealed that they are now campaigning against the divestment campaign, lobbying super funds and investors against divesting.
This is a true David and Goliath fight. While we can count our staff on less than two hands, they have thousands of dollars in PR budget at their fingertips. They’re Australia’s most powerful industry. We’re fighting not just one company but many – from BHP and Rio Tinto to Whitehaven and Glencore. That’s why we’re writing to ask you to chip in and make us powerful in this fight.
The time to wind down on coal has arrived. Despite the coal industry’s superior fire power, and no matter what the Minerals Council tell them, investors are increasingly waking up to the ethical and financial risks of investing in coal. We need to speed that waking up…up.
With your financial support, we’ll continue to front up to this most powerful of industries, from the Maules Creek campaign to the National Divestment Day of Action on May 3rd.
These companies paint us out as radicals, yet they are the ones who are the radicals. They are the ones stopping the action required to prevent further extreme heat, intense cyclones, and the loss of much of the Great Barrier Reef.
Click here to stand by us in this fight. Thanks for all that you do!
Blair, Aaron, Charlie, Josh, for 350.org Australia
P.S. If you have any questions about donating, please do not hesitate to send us an email. Just hit reply to this one.
* Here’s some of the coverage from the last two days: In The Australian: “Miners target funds to spread the message on coal”. In the Australian Financial Review: “Fossil fuel campaigns to plague miners”, “First shots fired in mining battle”. In The Age : “Coal miners starting to count the cost of activist pressure on funding”.
350.org is building a global climate movement.