Gillard’s climate change plan keeps NSW locked into coal dependence

Climate chaos0

Media Release – 23 July 2010

Gillard’s climate change plan keeps NSW locked into coal dependence

Greens lead Senate candidate for NSW Lee Rhiannon has criticised the
Federal Government for failing to provide leadership on the critical
issue of our times, reducing greenhouse emissions. She says today’s
announcement offers no transition plan to enable NSW to shift from
coal to renewables.

“The NSW economy is dependent on coal and nothing in this plan helps
NSW  break the addiction,” Ms Rhiannon said.

“A talk fest and a promise of emissions standards for dirty coal fired
power stations are akin to slapping a bandaid on a festering boil.

“No new coal power stations should be built in NSW. They can never be
made climate safe.

“$1 billion for the renewable energy grid is a welcome start but far
more is needed to stimulate the renewable industry.

“More than double this figure has been marked for carbon capture and
storage technology which is a bankrupt solution that takes us nowhere.

“We need to fast track the shift in NSW away from coal mining and coal
fired power to clean, renewable energy.

“NSW can build a strong and sustainable economy through investment in
renewable energy options such as solar and wind power.

“Putting a price on carbon is what’s necessary to tackle climate
change, but the Federal government is rejecting the Greens offer to
help deliver it.

Ms Rhiannon dismissed the government’s plan for community consultation
on climate change.

“Involving the public in finding climate change solutions is
necessary, but the Prime Minister’s announcement involves a two-year
delay the planet cannot afford.

“Federal Labor was given a mandate to act on climate change at the
last election and it should not delay action now.

“Renewables, along with public transport infrastructure that reduces
greenhouse gas emissions, are key to reducing NSW’s emissions,” Ms
Rhiannon said.

Contact: Lee Rhiannon 0427 861 568

Lee Rhiannon
Greens NSW lead Senate Candidate
19 Eve Street, Erskineville
0427 861 568

Another message from the Greens Media mailing list.

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