Inga —
At the 47th National Conference, Labor has delivered progress to a more united, more democratic party.
This has been remarkable conference characterised by passion and respect, but defined above all by our common purpose.
We worked our way through all of the critical issues and set out Labor’s vision for a modern, prosperous Australia, including:
- A growing, productive, job-creating economy.
- A plan to tackle climate change – a bold new goal for renewable energy.
- An unwavering commitment to decent jobs with fair pay and conditions.
- A new Labor approach to delivering equal opportunity for women.
- A fair pension and universal superannuation.
- Quality early childhood education, great schools, public TAFE and university places earned through hard work and good marks, not your parents’ wealth.
- A health system for all because Labor believes keeping Australians healthy keeps our nation productive – and the health of any one of us, affects all of us.
- An unflinching commitment to the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
- Eliminating, forever, the scourge of domestic violence from our national life.
- Recognising our first Australians – in our Constitution.
- And bringing our Constitution home by giving Australia an Australian head of state within a decade.
- A compassionate and humane approach to the regional and global challenge of displaced people.
- And a determination to end people smuggling and deaths at sea.
I am proud that as a party we came together, worked together through complex issues and developed a stronger Labor vision for Australia’s future.