It’s our best chance yet to stop CSG Kate — Land Water Future

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It’s our best chance yet to stop CSG


Kate — Land Water Future <>

11:05 AM (2 hours ago)

to me
Neville —

This week in the NSW Parliament, our Upper House MPs will vote on whether or not to protect NSW from coal seam gas.

This is an unprecedented opportunity.

The Greens introduced this important Bill, and Labor worked to amend it, giving it a better chance of passing with broad political support.

It’s up to us to convince the Liberals, The Nationals, and the all important crossbenchers to stand up for our communities and VOTE YES to protecting our land and water from the risks of coal seam gas.

Will you email Upper House MPs today and tell them it’s time to VOTE YES to the Bill that would stop the threat of coal seam gas in NSW.

We know that when it comes to coal seam gas, things can and do go wrong. Leaks. Spills. The lot.

We’ve seen an aquifer polluted with uranium and other nasties at a coal seam gas operation in north west NSW, BTEX in the water at Gloucester, and a big unexpected gas leak just a few hundred metres from homes in south west Sydney.

We’ve had some important wins lately, with AGL announcing it is divesting of its coal seam gas licences over the Hunter Valley, and Sydney’s water catchments.

But we know AGL is eyeing off the Gloucester valley, and Santos wants to turn the Pilliga Forest into a gasfield. The Northern Rivers is still fighting off Metgasco, and somehow, despite successfully blockading three years ago, Fullerton Cove still don’t have permanent protection.

Meanwhile demand for gas is falling and there are clean and safe energy alternatives. It’s no time to be risking our most vital assets: our land, our water, and the future of our communities… for an industry that is simply not part of a healthy and sustainable future for our state.

Please email the NSW Upper House MPs today.

We’ll keep you updated on how the vote goes,

Kate and the Land Water Future team

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