Largest biochar research project in Australia’s history

Smaller-scale biochar research projects have already been funded by the Government, including through Richmond Landcare in NSW.

“There is no single solution to climate change and we are investigating a wide range of measures which could help prepare Australia for the future,” Mr Burke said.

“Hopefully this project will shed much more light on how biochar works – its potential, how to use it safely and any drawbacks.

“We know that some biochars can be bad for plant growth and the wrong biochar with the wrong soil can cause toxic byproducts.

“Research is key – and we believe the findings from this project will be important in global discussions on how biochar can be used in agriculture.”

CSIRO Director of the Agricultural Sustainability Initiative Dr Brian Keating welcomed the funding.

“The CSIRO is pleased to coordinate this important national project for Australian agriculture,” he said.

“This project builds significantly on current research within the CSIRO and our research partners.

“It will define the potential contribution that biochar production and application can make to productivity and carbon management in Australian agriculture.”

The Climate Change Research Program is part of Australia’s Farming Future, the Government’s major climate change research program for our primary industries.

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