Major concerns over Bungendore wind farm development


Babcock and Brown not returning calls: Babcock & Brown is a
global investment company with offices across the United States,
Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa. David Griffin, listed on the
development application as the chief executive officer of Renewable
Power, did not return calls made by The Canberra Times on 29 March.

Extensive construction to cause traffic problems: The
development would include construction of a substation, 12km of
overhead transmission lines and trenching to install 20km of
underground cables. An environmental assessment by the developer
estimated transporting and installing the turbines would raise
significant traffic and transport issues, including road safety and the
ability of local roads to handle the high volume of construction

Development will damage endangered environment: A flora and
fauna assessment prepared for the project warned that the development
would involve “significant clearing” of high conservation value yellow
box woodlands. This type of woodland is listed in NSW as an endangered
ecological community.

Telecommunications may suffer from development: The assessment
also raised concerns about the possible impact on telecommunications –
including television reception, radar and mobile telephones – in the

Local residents concerned by noise: William Hoorweg, who lives
on a property 18km from Bungendore, said he had “been bailed up at the
letterbox” some months ago by Mr Griffin. “He told me that wind
turbines would be going in around 1000m behind my place,” Mr Hoorweg
said. Mr Hoorweg said he was concerned that “the thumping noise” from
the turbines would “make life unbearable” and destroy the peace and
quiet of rural life in the region.


The Canberra Times, 30/3/2006, p. 2

Source: Erisk  

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