New report: Australia’s electricity sector ageing, inefficient & unprepared


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New report: Australia’s electricity sector ageing, inefficient & unprepared


Amanda McKenzie – Climate Council via

11:01 AM (1 hour ago)

to me
Hi Inga

Earlier this morning Climate Councillors Professor Tim Flannery and Andrew Stock held a press conference in Sydney to launch a landmark report investigating the future of Australia’s electricity sector.

The report’s findings are resounding: Australia’s electricity sector is ageing, inefficient, unprepared and requires urgent reform.

It’s also clear that coal-fired power will struggle to compete economically with other sources of electricity as the world moves to limit emissions and that there are substantial opportunities for Australia in renewable energy, which is already lowering the cost of electricity

See more of the top findings and watch the 3 minute video to get across the key points.


The report comes at a time when electricity prices, renewable energy and coal-fired power are extremely topical issues in the public debate. The Climate Council’s latest report provides clear, authoritative expert information to inform the current discussions on the key issues facing the electricity sector.

Read the key findings and download the full report now

I’m particularly excited about this report as it responds to many requests we have had from the community to investigate issues in the electricity sector.

It would not have been possible without the ongoing support of our incredible Founding Friends and the broader community. I urge you to keep an eye out for us in the media today and join the conversation by sharing these important findings with your friends & networks.

Thank you for your support,

Amanda McKenzie,
Climate Council CEO

P.S The Climate Council’s reports are 100% independent, crowd-funded and powered by community support. If you aren’t already, consider become one of our Founding Friends now at Your donation will power accurate information on climate change &

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