The Basslink interconnector, now being rushed into service, may be of
only limited value to Victoria in its looming summer generation
capacity challenge, suggested The Age (28 October 2005).
Worrisome time ahead: Victoria is facing a shortfall in reserve
generation capacity of 500MW this summer, leaving only 30MW of plant
available to cover mechanical failure when the system is operating at
full capacity.
Tas hydro resources depleted: BassLink was initially feared by
Victorian generators, who felt it would depress Victorian power prices.
But seven years of drought in Tasmania have left Hydro Tasmania’s dams
at only 38 per cent capacity.
Flow is likely to be largely south: As a result, BassLink will
only bring power to Victoria at moments of high demand and Victorian
generators are expected to sell large amounts of power into Tasmania
until the state’s water resources are replenished. Hydro Tasmania
reported a net profit of $44.4 million for the June year, up $9 million
on the previous year despite the dry conditions.
The Age, 28/10/2005