NSW state poll: Greens on 16 per cent

Media release – 30 June 2010

*NSW state poll: Greens on 16 per cent *

Commenting on today’s Newspoll for NSW that has the Greens vote on 16 per
cent, Greens MP Lee Rhiannon said the results were encouraging and put the
party on track to win a lower house seat in the 2011 state election.

“This high level of support for the Greens comes after the Greens active
work on the Penrith by-election and increased public profile on key
environmental and social justice issues,” Ms Rhiannon said.

“A priority for the Greens NSW is to gain a lower house seat. This poll is
welcome news that there is growing voter recognition that the Greens are a
preferred option.

“The Greens are on track to win at least three seats in the NSW Upper
House,” Ms Rhiannon said.

David Shoebridge, the Greens lead candidate in the NSW Upper House election
said, “The message we constantly hear from the voters is that they want
politics cleaned up and public services improved.

“Climate change will be a priority campaign for the Greens at the coming
state election. We need government action that advances a transition from
dependency on coal-fired power to clean renewable energy.

“The political scandals and spin is making people cynical about the
political process.

“I think much of the increased support for the Greens comes from our work
with communities across NSW on a diverse range of issues.

“The Greens picked up 12.6 per cent of the vote in the Penrith by-election.
This more than doubled our vote in the 2007 state election,” Mr Shoebridge

*For more information: Lee Rhiannon 0427 861 568, David Shoebridge 0408 113

Another message from the Greens Media mailing list.

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