Our oceans a plastic soup?

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Canadian adventurer Adrian Midwood (from Ocean Ambassadors) and Tim Silverwood (from Take 3) aboard the S.V. Moana

Healthy Waterways hosts Brisbane launch of ‘Talking Trash Tour’

Healthy Waterways has bid farewell for the launch of Talking Trash Tour on its ocean voyage from Brisbane to Sydney.

Healthy Waterways, in partnership with Tim Silverwood (from Take 3) and Canadian adventurer Adrian Midwood (from Ocean Ambassadors), launched the S.V. Moana catamaran on its ocean voyage to raise awareness about the impacts of plastic pollution on our oceans and wildlife.

The Talking Trash Tour aims to profile solutions to this growing problem and inspire local communities to take action.

Julie McLellan, CEO of Healthy Waterways, said that plastic never biodegrades, it breaks up into smaller and smaller pieces, gradually turning our waterways and oceans into a ‘plastic soup’.

“Healthy Waterways is calling on the general public to join our Plastic Pollution Revolution on Facebook and pledge an action to reduce their plastic footprint,” Ms McLellan said.

“Every person who makes a pledge will not only help to reduce the harmful impact of plastic on turtles and other wildlife, they will also go in the draw to win a family holiday to Tangalooma Island Resort,” Ms McLellan said.

“Healthy Waterways joined forces with Take 3, Ocean Ambassadors and local residents to raise awareness about the damaging impacts of plastics in our oceans, and to showcase the innovative technologies that are being developed to help turn this waste product into a valued resource” Ms McLellan said.

Adrian Midwood, Founder of Ocean Ambassadors said that he is excited to be in Australia visiting communities along the east coast of Australia with his vessel S.V. Moana.

“It is evident that plastic pollution is a big problem globally, so it’s great to be in Brisbane advocating real solutions to the community,” he said.

“The S.V. Moana is the flagship of the Ocean Ambassadors, and serves as a demonstration vessel equipped with the latest technology in the fight against plastics, including Japanese Blest technology that converts plastic waste into oil,” he said.

Tim Silverwood, Director of Take 3, said that in every square kilometre of Australia’s coastline there is over 4,000 pieces of plastic rubbish.

“The Talking Trash Tour is about visiting coastal communities and igniting conversation about plastic pollution and illustrating how we can all make a positive difference. We want people to come to our events, learn more about the problem, discover exciting solutions and walk away feeling like they can contribute,” he said.

Healthy Waterways is a non government, not-for-profit organisation working to protect and improve waterway health in South East Queensland.

More info: www.healthywaterways.org



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