Olympian backs Water4Food group


From the Land

Coleambally irrigator and Riverina and Murray Regional Organisation of Councils (RAMROC) chairman, Terry Hogan, hosted the event and introduced special guest speakers, Professor Julian Cribb, Finley food producer, Jenny Wheeler, and Miss Rice.

Mr Hogan said the group was concerned about the random nature of the Federal Government’s accelerated buyback of water, its sole focus so far on water licences in NSW, and the need to shore up certainty of water supply for food production.

“Our message will be about working families and the economic sustainability of communities for our chldren, their children and all future generations,” he said.

Mr Cribb had a sobering message for the audience, highlighting the need for a balance between the water needed for food and water reserved for the environment.

“The world population, as we head towards 2050, will rise from six billion to nine billion and demand for food will more than double”, he said .

During the next 10 years massive water shortages are eventuating in Asia, particularly in the Indian and Chinese grain bowls.

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