Numbers create huge REC registration task: While the remaining
79 per cent of RECs have been created in respect of the output of 217
power stations, over 100,000 individual solar water heaters have now
been installed and RECs claimed against them. The administrative effort
associated with solar water heaters is therefore commensurately large.
Meters not required: Small generators using hydro, wind and
solar energy sources, and not producing more than 25 MWh of electricity
a year have access to special eligibility processes that removes the
need for the output of the station to be metered. A greater number of
small generation units are being covered by the Act, as the special
eligibility requirements allow for easier access by the owners of these
Reference: Financial Annual Report, Australian Government, Office of
the Renewable Energy Regulator. Contact: Manager, Office of the
Renewable Energy Regulator, GPO Box 621, CANBERRA ACT 2601, ph: (02)
6274 1416, fax: (02) 6274 1725
Erisk Net, 13/12/2005