Qld’s Traveston Dam plans based on flawed weather figures


Experts warned on 5 July that changing rainfall patterns and unpredictable river flows meant the proposed Traveston Dam in Queensland might never meet the State Government’s expectations for water capacity, reported The Australian (6/7/2006, p.7).

Govt water flow figures flawed: University of Queensland emeritus professor in civil engineering, Colin Apelt, said a forecast by government planners of an average water flow rate of 85 per cent in the Mary River above the Traveston site was unwise.

Weather patterns unpredictable: "It is a gross oversimplification to rely on that sort of river flow information, especially when the weather is so unpredictable," Apelt said. He said the Beattie Government had failed to pursue water conservation measures with sufficient vigour. "I have not seen any evidence the options have been considered fully," he said.

Recycled water the preferred option: In particular, the recycling of sewage and grey water should be encouraged, Apelt said. "Now is the time for the tough decisions," he urged. "We should be educating people that they can safely drink and use recycled water."

The Australian, 6/7/2006, p. 7

Source: Erisk Net  

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