Queensland delivers world’s most expensive water


More waste-water necessary: A Water Commission spokesperson said the cost of Western Corridor recycled water should be assessed on a whole-of-life basis rather than simply on initial output levels, which would be expected to pick up once the drought broke and restrictions were eased. However, without additional sources of waste-water, there would barely be enough water to supply South East Queensland’s power stations, let alone provide extra potable water for two million residents.

Grey water could be used: National water officials were not aware of more expensive water anywhere in the world. The Queensland Water Commission had been searching without success for viable waste-water sources for the past six months — yet had turned a blind eye to one of the most obvious. Tens of millions of litres of grey water diverted into gardens and yards each day could be sent down the drain for recycling. It said the Government had been fooling residents when it masked a pipeline cost blowout with the announcement it would have a capacity of 300 million litres a day. The so-called increase in capacity meant nothing in the absence of increased water.

Dams about to fall 20 per cent below capacity: SEQ dams were on track to fall below 20 per cent of capacity next month without further heavy rain.

The Courier Mail, 16/10/2007, p. 4

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