Radioactive pollution in Pilbara’s river catchments? ACF

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Radioactive pollution in Pilbara’s river catchments?


Dave Sweeney, ACF via 

2:43 PM (29 minutes ago)

to me


Environment Minister Greg Hunt is holding the fate of the Parnngurr community’s lands in his hands.

Have you seen the beautiful Rudall (Karlamilyi) river catchments, permanent water holes, ephemeral rivers and salt lakes of Karlamilyi National Park? It’s a beautiful part of WA’s Pilbara.

Right now, one of the largest uranium corporations in the world, Cameco, is seeking the Minister’s approval for its Kintyre uranium mine in the area excised from the national park, in the river’s watershed.

Between 1981 and 1993 Cameco was responsible for over 150 spills of radioactive material and contaminated water at uranium mines. They are under active investigation from the Canadian tax agency and have been heavily criticised for incompetency by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission. Cameco can’t be trusted to protect life from radioactive pollution.

It’s like the Ranger uranium mine in Kakadu all over again.

Tell Minister Hunt: Don’t let Cameco recklessly endanger these beautiful, life sustaining lands with radioactive pollution.

Protect Karlamilyi 

In the past couple of years, many thousands of you have taken action with us to protect life from harmful pollution.

Together, we stood with the Muckaty community to oppose plans for a nuclear waste dump on their land, and we won.

The Kintyre uranium mine presents yet another challenge to the existence of a remote Aboriginal community, this time Parnngurr. The mine plan endangers their water, bush food and the country that sustains culture and life.

What’s more, 39 Australian doctors have publicly condemned Cameco for spreading discredited information that exposure to low-level radiation is harmless. Cameco have been telling the Parnngurr community that radiation is safe!

As the Parnngurr community wait to hear the fate of their country at Karlamilyi, you can stand up again to protect life from pollution, with them.

ACF is working with the Conservation Council WA to support the Parnngurr community and halt the approval of the Kintyre uranium mine. Australian uranium fuelled Fukushima and we need to phase this trade out, not expand it.

We are stronger when we stand together with Aboriginal people to protect the shared country that sustains us all.

Say no to pollution now:



Dave Sweeney
Nuclear free campaigner
Australian Conservation Foundation

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