Remaining Conscious and Resilient inTumultuous TimesJohn James


Remaining Conscious and Resilient inTumultuous TimesJohn James @ The Yoga Shed Richmond 2-4pm Sunday 17 March 2013The Earth is our Mother, yet we are systematically making it impossible for Her to support us. What we are doing has been clear to every thinking person for decades.We are far from reining ourselves in and our onslaught on Her Love is gaining pace.The child has been given the Keys to the Kingdom and is trashing the Homestead.Preparing for the Great WinnowingJohn James @ The Yoga Shed Richmond 2-4pm Sunday 17 March 2013As all that we hold dear is dissolving around us we need to know ourselves so that we may becomethe Mother we are losing. Of course we will need a new way to live, to grow our own food and darnour own socks, and above all stop consuming like there is no tomorrow.For that is what we have been doing. Driving our kids to school when they should walk; flying to London for a wedding; replacing a perfectly good bathroom as its out of style; and filling our valleys and rivers and the air we breathe with the waste that is poisoning Our Earth.Our Mother will have Her Revenge.What it means to play God with our planetJohn James @ The Yoga Shed Richmond 2-4pm Sunday 17 March 2013Can we as humans become responsible? Do we have it in us to Stop and Reverse? Are we suffering from ‘moral injury’ as we remain silent on our deepest beliefs about right and wrong?Individually we can be miraculous, but have we the strength to act collectively? Where doesresponsibility stop and greedy self-interest take over? Do we have the resilienceto stand up for our future when the rest are hell-bent on running in the opposite direction?Why do humans not realise that NOTHING is more important than changing our ways?The science is clear: are you?Talk and discussion with John James @ The Yoga Shed 2-4pm Sunday 17 March 2013The Yoga Shed Shop 4/328 Windsor St Richmond (behind the shops adjacent to Green Hills Organics)Cost $40 or donation

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