Resignation of MP Graham West

Media Release

>From Sylvia Hale, Greens MP and spokesperson for Juvenile Justice

4 June 2010   – For immediate use
Minister’s resignation symptomatic of Government’s ethical failure

The Greens have described the sudden resignation of Juvenile Justice
Minister Graham West as a symptom of the ethical vacuum that exists in
the Government’s ranks, now manifested in its refusal to address the
causes of juvenile crime.

“When the Government in May this year rejected out of hand the key
recommendations of the independent review of NSW’s Juvenile Justice
system by Noetic Solutions – that money be diverted from building yet
more detention centres and directed toward addressing the underlying
causes of crime – it demonstrated its contempt for its own Minister for
Juvenile Justice,” said Sylvia Hale, Greens MP and spokesperson for
Juvenile Justice.

“In his first speech to Parliament, Mr West said, ‘If we are not
asking …question(s), and not putting forward our solutions, then as
parliamentarians we are not doing our job.’

“It seems that Mr West asked the questions and brought forward both
evidence and solutions, only to see his Labor Party colleagues treat
them with disdain. Perhaps, as a man of principle, he had little choice
but to resign. If so, The Greens applaud him.

“There is significant research, not only from the Noetic Solutions
report, but from around Australia and the world, that amply demonstrates
the failure of ‘tough on crime’ policies so popular with both the
Government and Opposition.

 “The Noetic report makes it clear that the Government will need to
spend at least $350 million over the next two years if it is to provide
the additional places required by its ‘lock-em-up’ approach.

“The Greens welcomed the Report’s recommendation that money be
diverted to keeping young people out of detention, not building yet more
detention centres.

 “While life in politics can be hard and the claims on your time
great, no doubt Mr West felt abandoned in his efforts to institute
genuine change.

“Why would any person of good will, particularly one who is
unsupported in his efforts to move to a more ethical and fair justice
system, want to stay in a cabinet or a government where the broader
public interest has long been pushed aside in the ruthless pursuit of
power for power’s sake?

“The Labor Party was once a party that stood up for the poor; indeed
the working poor were the people who formed the Labor Party nearly 120
years ago.
The ALP has failed that constituency for many years, and never more
grievously than now when it fails the youth of NSW, our next

“I can only sympathise with those like Mr West who can no longer
stomach its policies,” said Ms Hale.

 Contact: Colin Hesse on 02 9230 3030 or 0401 719 124

Another message from the Greens Media mailing list.

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