Save our remaining rainforests


A national Galaxy Research poll I commissioned and released this week shows;

• 90% of Australians are in favour of protecting remaining high conservation value forests in Tasmania, Victoria and New South Wales in national parks.

• 77% agree that the Rudd Government should stop the logging of native forests, which contain large amounts of carbon that would be stored by ending forest clearance

• 72% are in favour of the Federal Government assisting logging contractors to take redundancies, retrain or move permanently to a plantation based industry.

This is a unique opportunity with the industry itself crying out for help and looking for a way to stop the logging of high conservation value forests.

Having turned its back on putting a price on greenhouse pollution, protecting Australia’s native forests is the easiest, simplest way for the Rudd Government to be able to say it has reduced Australia’s greenhouse emissions.

It’s time for state and federal Governments and all political parties to seize the opportunity.

Today I launched a new 1 minute television ad that will begin screening this week.

But you can be first to see it – click here. Please pass it on to your friends so they can spread the word that it is time to seize the day and protect what is left of this precious resource for all Australians to enjoy in the future.


Bob Brown

P.S. if you are in or near Canberra on June 23 please come to an important public meeting where I, Prue Acton and ACT Greens Senate candidate Lin Hatfield- Dodds will outline the campaign to save the forests. 7pm – Visions Theatre, National Museum, Lawson Crescent, Acton Peninsula, Canberra.

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