Climate change is one of the biggest issues facing the world today. The evidence from the scientific community is now beyond doubt – unless we change our ways, the rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will have increasing and catastrophic impacts on the world in which we live. Ice caps will melt faster, sea levels will rise, weather patterns will change, water shortages will increase, tropical storms will grow in ferocity and frequency, deserts will expand and the world will have difficulty feeding itself.
But it is not too late!
The documentary An Inconvenient Truth is a remarkable film. It presents the issue in an easily digested form where the scientific data is clear and accurate. Despite the dire predictions, it is also an optimistic film pointing to solutions that people and societies can make to avoid the predictions.
Intrepid Express wants you to see this film. We want you to see this film so much that if you send us your ticket stub from the movie, we will refund you the price of entry. Yes – you can see the film for FREE. More importantly, tell your family, friends and colleagues about this offer – they can see it for free too!
This film may change your life. Hopefully it will change the planet we live on too.
How you can see An Inconvenient Truth for free: Send your movie ticket stub to Intrepid Travel, 360 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC, 3000, along with your name and address. Please allow 6 weeks for processing your payment. Maximum 2 tickets per person and based on standard cinema class.
Source: Intrepid Express Newsletter – issue #310