Senate – Western Australia



Senate – Western Australia


For background on the parties and candidates contesting the election, the likely prospects as well as an analysis of the preference flows, read this blog post published on 18 March after the release of preference tickets.

The re-election has come about because of the closeness of the result last September and because the missing ballot papers made it impossible to establish a result. For background on the legal case that brought on the by-election, read this blog post by Constitutional Law Professor Anne Twomey.

After the Court made its decision, I published this blog post on what was to happen next.

I also published a post that explained the remarkable path to victory of Wayne Dropulich after having polled just 0.23% of the vote.

I also published a post explaining that using the initial tallies of the 1,370 missing votes indicated that a single vote could have determined the final two Senators elected from Western Australia.

Previously I published a detailed explanation of the first distribution of preferences that delivered the final two seats to Labor and Palmer United Party.

Past Results

Election Percentage of Vote Senators Elected
1977 (5) 32.8 46.4 6.1 12.5 .. 2.2 2 3 .. .. ..
1980 (5) 38.8 45.0 4.1 9.3 .. 2.8 2 3 .. .. ..
1983 (10) 49.4 41.2 1.1 6.8 .. 1.5 5 4 1 .. ..
1984 (7) 43.3 40.7 1.8 4.8 .. 9.4 3 3 .. .. 1
1987 (12) 42.8 39.1 5.5 5.7 .. 6.9 5 5 1 .. 1
1990 (6) 33.5 43.3 3.0 9.4 8.4 2.4 2 3 .. 1 ..
1993 (6) 38.3 48.4 1.7 4.1 5.5 2.0 2 3 .. 1 ..
1996 (6) 34.0 45.4 2.1 9.4 5.7 3.4 2 3 1 .. ..
1998 (6) 34.7 38.4 1.3 6.4 5.7 13.5 2 3 1 .. ..
2001 (6) 34.2 40.1 2.4 5.9 5.9 8.5 2 3 1 .. ..
2004 (6) 32.5 49.3 0.9 2.0 8.1 7.2 2 3 .. 1 ..
2007 (6) 36.0 46.2 1.4 1.1 9.3 6.0 2 3 .. 1 ..
2010 (6) 29.7 43.0 3.4 0.4 14.0 9.5 2 3 .. 1 ..
2013a (6) 26.6 39.2 5.1 0.3 9.5 19.3 2 3 .. .. 1
2013b (6) 26.6 39.2 5.1 0.9 9.5 19.3 1 3 .. 1 1

Notes: In 1984, Jo Valentine was elected for the Nuclear Disarmament Party, who polled 6.8%. In 1987 she was elected for the the Vallentine Peace Group which polled 4.8%. She was elected again in 1990 by which time her party had morphed into the WA Greens. One Nation polled 10.4% in 1998 and 7.0% in 2001.<br/><br/>The two entries for 2013 represent the two counts at the election overturned by the Court of Disputed Returns. Palmer United Party polled 5.0% and elected a senator on the first count. On the re-count that excluded the missing ballot papers, Labor lost a seat and the seat initially won by Palmer went to the Australian Sports Party, its candidate Wayne Dropulich elected from 0.23% of the vote.

2014 Ballot Paper (77 Candidates)
Candidate Name Party
A The Wikileaks Party
MESZAROS, Tibor The Wikileaks Party
NICOL, Lucy The Wikileaks Party
B The Nationals
VAN STYN, Shane The Nationals
DE GRUSSA, Colin Stephen The Nationals
C Group C
WOOLF, Russell
JAMES, Verity
D Australian Democrats
FERNANDEZ, Chris Australian Democrats
THIEL, William Australian Democrats
E Pirate Party
BOYD, Fletcher Pirate Party
ALLEN, Michelle Pirate Party
F Australian Labor Party
BULLOCK, Joe Australian Labor Party
PRATT, Louise Australian Labor Party
HILL, Shane Australian Labor Party
ANDRIC, Klara Australian Labor Party
G Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party
HOWLETT, Richie Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party
ZANDVLIET, Rob Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party
H Freedom and Prosperity Party
KOUTALIANOS, Bill Freedom and Prosperity Party
ASHBY, Leon Freedom and Prosperity Party
I Voluntary Euthanasia Party
NITSCHKE, Philip Voluntary Euthanasia Party
DUFFIELD, Jim Voluntary Euthanasia Party
J Liberal Democrats
FRYAR, Jim Liberal Democrats
HAMILTON, Neil Liberal Democrats
K Australian Voice Party
PARKES, Brian W Australian Voice Party
BUTLER, Sean Australian Voice Party
L Building Australia Party
BEZANT, Ken Building Australia Party
SMEE, Daniel Ross Building Australia Party
M Mutual Party
FELS, Anthony James Mutual Party
CHANDRA, Felly Mutual Party
N Family First Party
ROSE, Linda Family First Party
HENG, Henry Family First Party
O #Sustainable Population Party
STRACHAN, Peter #Sustainable Population Party
BOURKE, William #Sustainable Population Party
P Palmer United Party
WANG, Zhenya Palmer United Party
HEADLAND, Desmond John Palmer United Party
TERBLANCHE, Chamonix Palmer United Party
Q Australian Sports Party
DROPULICH, Wayne Australian Sports Party
LACKOVIC, Al Australian Sports Party
R Liberal
JOHNSTON, David Liberal
CASH, Michaelia Liberal
REYNOLDS, Linda Liberal
BROCKMAN, Slade Liberal
S Shooters and Fishers
BOW, Murray Shooters and Fishers
PARKES, John Shooters and Fishers
T Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) Party
MOYLAN, James M Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) Party
MOYLAN, Tayla Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) Party
U Republican Party of Australia
ANDERSON, Marcus Republican Party of Australia
HOLLICK, Rohan Republican Party of Australia
V Smokers Rights
KATZ-BARBER, Max Smokers Rights
DI RADO, Daniel Jay Smokers Rights
W Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party
McCARTHY, Daniel Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party
WYATT, Suzzanne Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party
X Australian Christians
MORAN, Ray Australian Christians
MOSELEY, Justin Australian Christians
Y Secular Party of Australia
CUTHBERT, Simon Andrew Secular Party of Australia
THOMPSON, Andrew Secular Party of Australia
Z Rise Up Australia Party
FOREMAN, Jane Elizabeth Rise Up Australia Party
BENNETT, Joanne Rise Up Australia Party
AA The Greens (WA)
LUDLAM, Scott The Greens (WA)
CUNNINGHAM, Christine The Greens (WA)
JAMES, Ian The Greens (WA)
STEELE-JOHN, Jordon The Greens (WA)
NIELSEN-HARVEY, Sarah The Greens (WA)
CULLITY, Judith The Greens (WA)
AB DLP Democratic Labour
GOOD, Adrian DLP Democratic Labour
KIERNAN, Cathy DLP Democratic Labour
AC Katter’s Australian Party
BOUWMAN, Phillip Katter’s Australian Party
HODDINOTT, Susan Katter’s Australian Party
AD Animal Justice Party
LOVE, Katrina Animal Justice Party
SUTTON, Alicia Animal Justice Party
AE Sex Party
PATTEN, Fiona Sex Party
COLEMAN, Mark Sex Party
AF Socialist Alliance
BAINBRIDGE, Alex Socialist Alliance
JENKINS, Chris Socialist Alliance
AG Outdoor Recreation Party (Stop The Greens)
FISHLOCK, David Outdoor Recreation Party (Stop The Greens)
DE LIMA, Joaquim Outdoor Recreation Party (Stop The Greens)
UG Ungrouped
VAN LIESHOUT, Teresa Independent
MUBARAK, Kim Independent

Antony Green

Antony Green is the ABC’s election analyst.

Antony has worked on every federal, state and territory election since his first election with the ABC in Queensland in 1989.

He has appeared regularly on camera since the 1993 Federal election, when he was the first to call the return of the Keating government.

April 5 Election

The Western Australian Senate re-election will be held on Saturday April 5.

For all information on electoral enrolment, when and how to vote, visit the Electoral Commission website.

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