Should Obama be Trusted to Stop Iran’s Nukes? by admin22 April, 2012 Energy Matters0 News 2 new results for DANGER TO US NUCLEAR PLANTS Morning letters: Unwise to pull the nuclear-power plugOCRegisterI compliment Sforza for pointing out the power blackout danger if the only two power plants capable of supplying us with affordable energy in southern California are shut down. After the hydroelectric power supplied by Hoover Dam, the most affordable …See all stories on this topic » Should Obama be Trusted to Stop Iran’s Nukes?Arutz ShevaCiting unnamed diplomatic sources, the New York Times reported that the western allies plan to demand the immediate closing and ultimate dismantling of Iran’s underground nuclear reactors, a halt in the production of uranium fuel and the shipment of …See all stories on this topic » Tip: Use a minus sign (-) in front of terms in your query that you want to exclude. Learn more. Delete this alert.Create another alert.Manage your alerts. Reply Forward Click here to Reply or Forward Twitter Facebook Google+ Pin It LinkedIn admin