Biggest U.S. offshore wind farm planned for Texas coast
Officials have approved a plan to build the biggest offshore wind farm in the U.S. off the coast of Padre Island, Texas. Say it with us now: everything’s bigger in Texas.
Superior Renewable Energy LLC plans to erect as many as 170 turbines, with the capacity to power about 125,000 homes. Some conservation groups are up in arms, as the farm will be built in a major migratory route for several rare birds, but SRE vice prez Michael Hansen said the firm would study bird migration patterns and use turbine blades unlikely to harm our avian friends.
As the project will be built off an unpopulated swath of the island, it may not suffer the NIMBYism plaguing the Cape Wind project in Nantucket Sound. No rich people are in danger of losing their scenic views. You may all breathe a sigh of relief.
straight to the source: The Washington Post , Steven Mufson and Juliet Eilperin, 12 May 2006