The Homeless Are People Too Common Grace <info@co

9 July, 2015 General news0
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The Homeless Are People Too


Common Grace <>

3:21 PM (4 minutes ago)

to me

“How can we worship a homeless man on Sunday and ignore those homeless on Monday.”

–Common Grace supporter, Shane Claiborne

It’s not just Jesus who had nowhere to lay his head. This week in Perth, people sleeping rough were “hosed down like animals”.

Dear Neville,

I (Tim) have had the confronting blessing of working with people who are sleeping rough on our streets. That’s why this news broke my heart: The WA Department of Culture and Arts (DCA) installed a water sprinkling system at Perth’s King Street Arts Centre — for the explicit purpose of wetting people sleeping rough, and forcing them to seek shelter elsewhere.1 I know firsthand that those affected often carry all their world’s possessions with them, will have nowhere to go to dry off, and no prospect of a hot shower in winter. Those who end up on the streets are some of society’s most vulnerable; people fleeing domestic violence, those suffering from mental illness or sexual abuse, and war veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder, are just some of the people sleeping rough in our nation tonight.

Add your voice to Tim’s in calling for the ‘homeless sprinklers’ to be removed and for a compassionate response to those who are homeless.

We welcome news that Mr Ord has agreed to turn off the taps. However we believe that the decent and dignified treatment of people means that they must be removed. We call on the WA government to remove the sprinkler to show their commitment to resolving the core problems that lead to homelessness.

1 in 200 Australians are homeless, and a quarter of these are under the age of 18. Those sleeping rough are statistically at far higher risk of physical assault, sexual abuse and deprivation. Funding for homeless shelters is inadequate, and thousands are turned away every night. These people often have nowhere else to go.

Jesus is found amongst those society considers the “least of these” and asks us to stand with them. Let’s send this message of dignity and value around Australia.

That’s why I’m thankful for Common Grace. In 24 hours we’ve got over 1,000 signatures. Imagine what could happen if we all got behind this?

Join Tim in signing the petition for the ‘homeless sprinklers’ to be removed and new compassionate approach to be taken.

Thanks for putting love in action,

Tim on behalf of the Common Grace Team


[1] “WA’s Department of Culture and Arts under fire for ‘turning hoses’ on homeless”, Brisbane Times, 8 July 2015
[2] “Sprinkler used by WA government department to drive homeless away turned off”, 9 News, 8 July, 2015

Common Grace

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