The power of your vote(GREENS)

Dear friend,

On Election Day, more than one in ten Australians voted for the Greens. Each and every vote for the Greens was powerful and here’s why:

Yesterday, on behalf of the Australian Greens, I signed an agreement with Prime Minister Julia Gillard to work with the Australian Labor Party to ensure stability if it is returned to Government.

The Labor party will work with the Greens to improve Parliamentary processes, like making sure private member’s bills are voted on and properly debated. This means important Greens bills to introduce equal marriage, end offshore processing of asylum seekers, or to abolish junk food advertising during children’s TV viewing hours can’t be swept under the carpet by the Labor and Liberal parties.

For the first time, the Greens will be able to submit policies to Treasury for costing.

The Labor Party will also work with the Greens on a range of issues including:

  • better dental health funding,
  • truth in political advertising,
  • a referendum to recognise Indigenous Australians in the constitution, and
  • a new Climate Change Committee to work towards a price on carbon.

In return, the Greens will ensure supply and oppose motions of no-confidence in the Labor Government from other parties.

You can read the full agreement here.

It is the responsibility of all newly elected Parliamentarians to deliver stable, productive Government. That is the Greens’ primary aim in the agreement signed yesterday.

Regardless of which party forms Government, the Greens in the balance of power in the Senate and our newly-elected Lower House MP Adam Bandt remain the voters’ backstop for accountability, scrutiny and progressive policies in our national Parliament. The Greens have always been your voice in the halls of Parliament and that voice has been strengthened thanks to the work of tens of thousands of supporters like you.

The agreement is not a coalition with Labor, but is a constructive contribution toward stable government.

We will continue to work to propose innovative new ideas in Parliament and improve the legislation of whoever is in Government.

Yours sincerely,

Bob Brown

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Authorised by Derek Schild, 8-10 Hobart Place. Canberra


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