Neville —
Tony Abbott and the Liberals are trying to take away the right of environmental and community groups to challenge mining approvals. They are planning to amend the EPBC Act (Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act) so the community can’t stand up for environmental protection. Tony Abbott claims the Mackay Conservation Foundation engaged in “sabotage” by challenging the Environment Minister Greg Hunt’s decision to approve the Adani coal mine in the courts, and winning. But the reaction to the loss can only be described as hysterical, because here are a few facts about the EPBC:
Labor won’t support weakening environmental protections or limiting a community’s right to challenge government decisions. It’s just another example of Tony Abbott trying to drag Australia back into the past at a cost to our future. We simply don’t agree that it’s necessary to choose either jobs or the environment anymore. Smart growth and environmental protection can go hand in hand. Thanks for your support, P.S. If you’ve got a friend who you think might like to know about what’s afoot, please forward them this email and if they want to stay up to date on Abbott’s attacks on the EPBC they can sign up for updates here: |