Need to achieve 75 per cent more savings: “We must achieve 75
per cent more savings in half the time,” said the authors of the
report, which was eventually released to the public in mid-November, in
justifying their draconian recommendations.
UK looks likely to fall short of target: Like other developed nations, the United Kingdom appeared likely to fall short of its self-imposed emission reduction target.
One of a number of technical solutions: This proposal to use
heavy fines to cut speeding was one of a number of technical solutions
for dealing with global warming being discussed by politicians and
environmental experts at the World Climate Summit in Montreal.
Rising tendency in CO2 emissions: “To our great concern, we are
now seeing a rising tendency in CO2 emissions after years of
stagnation,” warned Richard Kinley, director of the United Nations
Climate Change Secretariat in Bonn.
Reference: Digest of latest news reported on website of Climate
Change Secretariat of United Nations Framework on Climate Change
Control (UNFCCC). 28 November. Address: PO Box 260 124, D-53153 Bonn.
Germany. Phone: (49-228) 815-1005, Fax: (49-228) 815-1999. Email:
Erisk Net, 5/12/2005