Vinnies council suspended ‘over bullying’

“We are an organisation that has social justice at its heart so this was something that could not be overlooked or swept under the carpet – there is a real desire to address these problems.”

Mr Falzon said he could not give further details of the complaints because they were the subject of an investigation.

The Australian Services Union, which represents community workers, said it has been hearing complaints from workers at the society for several years.

It alleged problems followed “changes at the top” nearly five years ago when a new chief executive and human resources manager were appointed.

“From that time we’ve been at constant war with St Vincent de Paul,” ASU NSW branch secretary Sally McManus said.

“They adopted a corporate style of management.”

Ms McManus said the ASU successfully fought an unfair dismissal case of two workers from the NSW branch two years ago and last week it won a back pay claim for $250,000 for members who had not been paid the right rates.

She said the union was “extremely pleased” that the NSW council had been suspended.

“It’s rare that you see decisive action taken and I welcome it.”