UPDATE: We just received this email from the West End Police, which states that the West End Police Station (see story below) has already started operating at it’s new premises in Vulture Street. Here’s the message:
As an addition to your recent story involving the relocation of West End Police Station, we would like to advise that we have now moved and are fully operational at our new premises located at 2/36 Vulture Street, West End. All telephone, fax and postal addresses remain the same.
Would it be possible to include our new address as an addendum to your previous story? If you would like to contact West End Police for any clarification or comment, please refer any inquiries to our OIC, Acting Senior Sergeant Pat Humphrys.
Vanessa MANN
Acting Sergeant
The West End Police station in Boundary Street – 130 years old, and the oldest operating police station in the State of Queensland – is soon to close its doors for the last time, and operations moved to purpose built new premises in Vulture Street.
According to Queensland Police Union president Ian Leavers, the move comes none too soon, as he has been agitating for its replacement for some time.
“When Jack Dempsey first became Minister I invited him here to West End and took him on a tour of West End police station to show him that not much had changed in the station’s 130 years of operation that made it a significant workplace health and safety concern for police.
“He immediately took on board my request on behalf of the police who work here in one of the most diverse and neglected policing beats in the state for a solution and I am proud today to see that come to fruition,” said Mr Leavers.
Commissioner of Police Ian Stewart said that the new station would replace the oldest serving police station in the State.
“In the year that we proudly celebrate 150 years of service it seems fitting that the oldest operating police station in the State makes way for a new complex that is fit for purpose,” Commissioner Ian Stewart said.
“It has remained in continued operation with several modifications made to the original 19th Century timber and corrugated iron building.
“The new station is a short hop away and the move maintains police operations in the heart of West End, which is critical in terms of projected growth and policing requirements,” Commissioner Stewart said.
Police Minister Jack Dempsey said that his LNP Government is committed to revitalising frontline services for police. “We’re delivering new modern facilities to deliver on that promise,” Mr Dempsey said.
“We are addressing that through a new modern fit for purpose station that will benefit officers, and responses to the local community.
“Today we are announcing a win for the local community and the officers of West End.”
While no announcement has been made on the future of the prime real estate on which the current police station sits, and it is intended that the property remain in the hands of the Queensland Police Service, the Westender has spoken to a number of local real estate agents who expressed keen interest in being involved if and when it goes on the market..
3 thoughts on “West End Police have left the building!”
9 April, 2014
I wonder what the local constabularly think of having to walk further for lunch?
Had the odd pint at The Boundary watching the comings and goings of that station with amusement as the only activity often noted is unsuccessful attempts to rouse an answer at the door by the public and the frequent trips to the local eateries by the (always friendly) police.
You could have knocked me over with a feather the other day when I was walking near Boundary street and a copper waved to me as he drove past in the police van. He waved to a somewhat bemused pedestrian in front of me as well.
I like their presense in the main street, it adds a certain old worldness harking to an era gone by.
Ros McConnel
9 April, 2014
wow kerrod, a little close to home! i’m thinking… um, er, good or bad? it has been getting a little noisy of late on weekends after pub close… maybe good.
10 April, 2014
I’ve always loved that police station house. I’ve never seen the inside of it but I just love the look of it from the outside. I hope this move doesn’t result in the original Boundary St police station house being pulled down! I’d love to live in it (but have no means to buy it).