New England Wood Pellet’s Jaffrey, New Hampshire plant produces approximately 75,000 tons of wood pellet fuel per year. Most is bagged and shipped to a network of more than 100 retailers throughout the Northeast. From there it helps heat homes, businesses and schools. Steve Walker, the company’s president and CEO, took the time to show around the facility to give us a look at how wood pellets are made.
The process starts with trucks dumping different types of waste wood, including sawdust, green wood and dried kilned wood at New England Wood Pellet’s wood storage yard. From there the wood goes through blending, drying and homogenizing processes and then finally pellet formation before it goes out to customers in bagged or bulk form.
The plant employs about 25 people in production and transportation. The company purchases close to 175,000 dry and green tons of wood residues for the plant each year, from sources throughout the Northeast, providing a market for wood waste and low grade timber resources. According to Walker, the pellet industry has seen an average of 10% growth per year over the last decade and as fossil fuel prices rise that growth should continue into the future.
To take a virtual tour of New England Wood Pellet’s Jaffrey, New Hampshire facility, play the video online.
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