Dear Neville, You’ve probably heard about Tony Abbott’s plan to strip away the rights of communities to object to Federal approvals for coal and gas mining projects. But you might not know that we’ve got a crucial opportunity right now to put paid to this diabolical plan by making submissions to the Senate Committee that is now reviewing it. The Federal Government has already introduced a Bill in to Federal Parliament – the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Standing) Bill 2015 – to implement their plan. They are pushing it as hard and as fast as they can. The Bill will drastically limit who can go to court to challenge environmental approvals given by the Federal Government. It means that even if a damaging coal or gas mine has been approved erroneously or incorrectly, communities will be locked out of challenging it. The Senate Committee is taking submissions on the Bill right now, until the 11th September. Our only chance to stop the Bill now is to have it blocked in the Senate. And to do that, the Senate Committee needs to hear from as many people as possible. Can you take 1 minute to send them a short email submission today? We’ve drafted something up for you, all you need to do is make any changes you want to the email text, add your name at the bottom, and then send it directly to the Senate Committee. And at the same time send a stern message to Tony Abbott that all Australians have a stake in protecting our national assets, like the Great Artesian Basin and Great Barrier Reef. Thanks for standing with us, PS – You can read the Bill here, and find more details about the Senate Inquiry here. Lock the Gate Alliance |