1 – Reject Plastic Bags


The trick is to carry your own bags. It’s easy when you plan to go shopping: you just take a bundle of those ugly green bags you can buy in any supermarket.

Buy now But it is more difficult when you’re out and about and you don’t have the bag with you. Bummer!

So, borrow a bag from someone, wrap it up in your shirt, maybe even simply carry it…

Do not, whatever you do,  accept a plastic bag across the counter. There is simply no need.

The real test is to change your habits. Add ‘Bag’ to that checklist you run through as you walk out the door. You know the one. It goes like this, “Key. Money. Phone. BAG.”




  • Save energy
  • Reduce greenhouse gas
  • Save marine life

A good silk bag costs around $6


You have to keep a bag handy, always

Places to go



Related tips

Shop locally

Buy fresh food

Avoid packaging

Search terms

Gyre rubbish

Turtles plastic

Say no plastic bags

Hard Facts

Sydney consumes more than 500 million bags each year.


There are enough bags in the world. Don’t you think?

I’ve got my own bag, thanks.

Be inspired!

Read how the English town of Modbury became the first in Europe to ban plastic bags outright.


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