2 – Shop on foot


Just briefly

There is an architectural movement called New Urbanism that sets out to design cities and suburbs as walkable spaces that encourage community.

If you are buying a new house, you might consider taking some of these principles into account. I lived in the inner city of Sydney for twenty years, where most of the shops are in old fashioned strip shopping areas.

Five years ago, I stopped shopping at the mall and started using local stores.

That was one of the biggest lifestyle changes I have made and it was instrumental in learning to live in a way that does not harm the planet.

Inner city locations are often more energy efficient than suburban areas where everyone drives everywhere to do everything.




  • Save oil
  • Build community
  • Get fitter

Ten minutes to half an hour each trip.


You might have to plan your shopping trip a little more.

Places to go


Hard Facts

One quarter of car trips are to do shopping and last an average of 13 minutes.

Search terms

Gruen factor shopping stroll


new urbanism

greener shopping centres

Related tips

Shop locally

Bake your own food.

Share a car

Spend nothing for a day


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