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Dear NEVILLE, They’re not being straight with us and they are still out to destroy solar and renewables. Two weeks ago Cabinet rejected the dodgy Warburton review of the Renewable Energy Target. But yesterday the Federal government walked into negotiations with almost exactly the same position as the Warburton review, and that is the destruction of the Target. The government is bent on pursuing the so-called “real 20%”, which would mean Australia’s renewable energy production would be cut almost in half by 2020. The vested interests are lining up for exemptions and the big power companies reckon they will clinch their glittering prize – a weakened Target that will mean bigger profits for them and higher power prices for all of us. So far Labor says it will not accept such an attack on the policy, saying it is “completely unacceptable”. But without a bipartisan agreement on the Target, there is no certainty for solar in Australia and the jobs, growth and investment it creates. The future of solar and renewable energy in this country hangs on a precipice, but you can help. Make a quick phone call today to the MPs who are in Parliament this week, negotiating the future of the Target. Tell your politician that you won’t be taken for a ride when they are talking about Australia’s solar and renewables future. Tell them that we want the Target kept in full, with no cuts.
Yesterday Industry Minister and government negotiator Ian Macfarlane said there would be “no change to the household photovoltaic scheme”. It’s encouraging talk that shows we’re making progress and being heard in the halls of Parliament – our campaign is working. All of your letters, emails, Facebook messages, MP meetings and rallies have left the government with no doubt that we love our solar. But the government seems to think it can talk up protecting household solar so it can clinch wholesale cuts to the Target, which would mean less jobs, growth and investment in Australia and higher power prices for everyone by 2020. Even modelling commissioned by the Warburton Review found that the Target will lower power prices in the long term. A promise from the government on this is hollow unless they can come to a bipartisan agreement; and remember we had bipartisanship until the government started waging its year-long campaign to try and decimate renewables. Right now we need to keep up the pressure on the government and the opposition to make sure there are no cuts to the Target so that solar’s future is protected. Call these key MPs today at their Parliament House offices and tell them that you and millions of Australians want solar and the Renewable Energy Target protected in full.
Australians want the Renewable Energy Target and solar protected – make sure our representatives know that, in no uncertain terms. Make a quick call today to the key negotiating MPs and tell them that the Target must be kept, in full. Yours for a strong solar future, Claire, National Director P.S. When Tasmanian Solar Citizens met with cross bench Palmer United Party senator Jacqui Lambie last month she told us that she loves and supports solar. It’s a position she repeated yesterday when she was interviewed on Sky News. Every conversation you can have with a politician calling on them to protect the Renewable Energy Target gets through and has an impact. Make your call today to tell MPs at the negotiating table to protect solar and the Target in full – the future of Australian renewables is in our hands. Solar Citizens -=-=- Solar Citizens is an independent community-based organisation bringing together millions of solar owners and supporters to protect and grow solar in Australia. You can also keep up with Solar Citizens on Twitter or like us on Facebook. |