23 October, 2014 General news0
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Coal is good for humanity?


Victoria McKenzie-McHarg, ACF

3:28 PM (1 hour ago)

to me

Hi Neville

On 15-16 November, Australia will host the G20 Summit. World leaders will gather in Brisbane for talks on the world’s most critical issues.

Except one.

Egged on by big polluters, who are telling G20 leaders that “coal is good for humanity,” Tony Abbott has refused to put climate change on the G20 agenda. But problems don’t just go away because you ignore them.

Together, we can show that climate change is on our agenda.

Will you host an #ONMYAGENDA event,  and show the world and our leaders that Australia is ready for action?

ACF supporters will host events all over Australia between November 12-16, screening the Reasons for Hope video to demonstrate that the world is moving, and inspire their communities to action.

Reasons for Hope features world leaders, scientists, cultural icons, and everyday heroes. It shows that solutions exist, people are getting on board, and leaders are acting – but the Australian government is falling behind. We’ve chosen the best footage from the amazing 24 Hours of Reality global broadcast.

Host a watch party and show that climate change is on your agenda

As a host, we’ll give you a copy of Reasons for Hope to screen with your friends, family or community, as well as a support toolkit to help you organise your event.

Your events will inspire conversations that matter with people who care. With hundreds of events and thousands of voices across social media, we can show the international community that climate change is on our agenda.

We’ll support your event by telling its story nationwide with social media, traditional media and advertising.

At this crucial moment, when the eyes of the world are on us, will you take action?

Host a screening party and show the world that climate change is on your agenda. It’s easy and will be fun!



Victoria McKenzie-McHarg
Climate change campaign manager
Australian Conservation Foundation

PS: I appear in a video explaining the campaign, it’s a tad embarassing, but I’ll do (almost) anything for the cause! Watch it here

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