Status quo on Iran’s Nuclear programme dangerous to already tense region US

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News 7 new results for DANGER TO US NUCLEAR PLANTS
Status quo on Iran”s nuclear programme dangerous to already tense region — US
Kuwait News Agency
UNITED NATIONS, March 21 (KUNA) — US Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Rosemary DiCarlo on Wednesday said the status quo regarding Iran’s nuclear programme is dangerous and adds instability to an already tense region, stressing the need for a
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Is Progress Slowing? Part II
In retrospect it’s not surprising that our national risk tolerance began to fade. When the Three Mile Island nuclear accident occurred in 1979, it was enough to shut down construction of new nuclear plants. How many people actually died at Three Mile
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America’s Reckless Nuclear Policies Have Got to End
Huffington Post (blog)
Less than a year on from this tragedy, giant corporations have used their influence to get approval for opening a new nuclear power plant right here in the United States. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) recently signed off on two reactors to be
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North Korea launches satellite of love
Asia Times Online
Any US threat to invalidate the nuclear deal would only serve to make the Barack Obama administration look like a cranky dodo. It will also prompt the Kim Jong-eun administration to retract its promise to place a moratorium on nuclear and missile tests
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Thousands of Protesters Fail to Block India’s Nuclear Power Plant
Environment News Service
IDINTHAKARAI, Tamil Nadu, India, March 21, 2012 (ENS) – Police Monday arrested 190 demonstrators objecting to the start of work at the stalled Kudankulam nuclear power plant in the village of Idinthakarai at the southern tip of the Indian subcontinent.
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Environment News Service
Makovsky: U.S. and Israel converge on Iran, but timing gaps loom large
St. Louis Jewish Light
While the United States and Israel have “converged” their thinking on how to respond to the threat of a nuclear-armed Iran, “gaps” remain on how long the “window will be open” for a possible military response if diplomacy fails, according to David
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Blix allays any fear of disasters
The National
DOHA, QATAR // There is very little chance the UAE would ever be affected by a nuclear disaster in a neighbouring country, nuclear experts say. The closest reactor is the Bushehr nuclear plant in Iran, but the UAE coast is 608 kilometres away.
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