Our Government and the Case for Young People Dr James Hansen by admin10 May, 2012 General news0 Our Government and the Case for Young People Inbox x James Hansen jimehansen@gmail.com via mail64.us2.rsgsv.net 12:14 PM (19 minutes ago) to me Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Our Government and the Case for Young People A discussion about an important hearing that will be held in Washington, DC at 9:30 AM on Friday, May 11 can also be found on my website. If you are in the neighborhood, please consider attending. The science rationale for the plaintiffs happens to be that in our paper The Case for Young People. ~Jim Unsubscribe nevilleg729@gmail.com from this list | Forward to a friend | Update your profile Dr. James E. Hansen http://www.columbia.edu/~jeh1 Twitter Facebook Google+ Pin It LinkedIn admin