Art attack – Newman arts cuts hurt

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Premier Newman opens the OperaQ 2014 season
Premier Newman opens the OperaQ 2014 season

When Westender reported on October 31 that the Newman government was about to slash funding to around ten inner city arts bodies (Newman’s slashing of the Arts ) we had very few details and wrote “stay tuned for further updates on these arts cuts.” The ripples are still being felt a month later.

At the time, one reader responded “Wondering how much it cost to send 2 senior detectives on a door knocking walk through Eagle Farm businesses today looking to see if we were stashing any bikie gangs ?? They had a list and everything !”

The real challenge for local artists is that the government is using its funding muscle to create a corporate-friendly, classics-heavy art scene in Brisbane.

Opening the OperaQ 2014 season, Newman joked about how politically incorrect the 19th century Italians were. He clearly relishes trotting out 150 year old artworks as a sign of how open minded and flexible he is.

His Minister for the Yarts played on the same theme at the preview of the Queensland Ballet’s 2014 season. “I had oysters and champagne at the Ekka and saw the ballet. Brisbane sure is changing.”

We have followed this up with stories ranging from international speakers discussing the long term degradation of society to specific impacts on local businesses.

Like many of you, we received a letter from David Pierce at Pondera today which reveals the flow on effect of these cuts on the broader community. It was in part a response to another of the defunded organisations, Backbone. We share it simply to help keep alive the coals of your rage at the damage this government is doing to the fabric of our society.

As some of you may know, recent slashing of arts funding in Qld has resulted in a number of youth and community arts organisations being completely defunded. While this is not the forum to comment or discuss, I am reaching to to the local business community to see if anyone has, or knows of some office space which could be used for these organisations. In particular the one attached, Backbone Youth Arts is appealing for space.

My business has just turned 7 and had built a considerable percentage of our income from the arts community from dance to musicians to theatre and more so thanks to anyone who can help in any way

Hope all is well for you,
David Peirce

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