Solar PV Micro Grid Market Moving Into Commercialization

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Long-term horizon, growth, momentum, deep value
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  • Micro grids enable distributed energy generation at a localized scale with the objective to: deliver efficient, reliable electricity while offsetting or eliminating fuel fossil consumption.
  • The market for micro grid will grow from $10billion annually in 2013 to $40billion by 2020.
  • Decreasing solar PV module prices and investments in battery technologies are leading to new micro grid solutions and market opportunities.

Micro grids can be classified as one or more generating energy sources supporting a local independent grid. Although there are many views of what a micro grid is they consist of energy production or generation sources, a consumption or demand load and some form of storage technology. Micro grids enable distributed energy generation at a localized scale with the primary goals to deliver efficient, reliable electricity while offsetting or eliminating fuel fossil consumption. Micro grids range in generating capacity from kWs to MWs covering a number of military, telecommunication and village power applications. Most common generating sources are diesel generators and solar PV modules with batteries being the primary storage technology. Today, lead acid is the primary battery chemistry although lithium ion is quickly catching up and various new forms of next generation battery technologies will begin to emerge in the next years. The market for micro grids will grow from $10billion annually in 2013 to $40billion by 2020. The primary drivers for the growth are coming from the collapse of solar PV module cost and the lowering cost of efficient storage technologies. Combining low cost solar PV with battery systems is a combination that is opening up a wave of new applications.

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