Turko-Russian gas deal turns up the heat in Syria

Erdogan and Putin shake on the pipeline deal
Erdogan and Putin shake on the pipeline deal

Turkey and Russia signed a deal last week securing a gas pipeline from Russia through Turkey to Europe. The deal makes Turkey the gateway for European fossil fuels to travel from the source.

Military analysts note that the USA is fighting to retain control of fossil fuels in Syria. Were Russia and Turkey to gain free access to Syrian fuel the USA would be cut out of a large section of the European market.

Harvard Professor Mitchell A Orenstein observed “the people of Syria can only count the blessings bestowed on them by the oil beneath their homes.”

Turkey and Russia on Monday signed the Turkish Stream gas pipeline agreement. 

A region already marred by pipeline geopolitics gets another one! The West is not going to be amused by this new bonhomie between Russia and Turkey. Their animosity will be played out in the battle fields of Syria, while the people of Syria suffer. We don’t know what’s in the offing there after.






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