Green power companies come online


Greentricity applies to IPART for electricity retail suppliers licence in NSW; submissions soughtThe Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) of NSW has received an application for an electricity retail supplier’s licence under the Electricity Supply Act 1995 from Greentricity Pty Limited to operate in New South Wales, according to a notice in The Sydney Morning Herald (26/5/2006, p.6).

Greentricity is an initiative by energy-tec, a Western Australian company that has invested heavily in smart meters and other tools to allo microgenerators to participate in the national grid. 

Public submissions sought: IPART sought public submissions on this application. Submissions would have to address the assessment criteria contained in the Electricity Supply Act 1995. All submissions should reach the Tribunal by Thursday, 6 July 2006. Please direct enquiries to Cary Drysdale on (02) 9290 8477.

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