Category: Sustainable Settlement and Agriculture
The Generator is founded on the simple premise that we should leave the world in better condition than we found it. The news items in this category outline the attempts people have made to do this. They are mainly concerned with our food supply and settlement patterns. The impact that the human race has on the planet.
Geoff Ebbs /27 September, 2016
DNA studies of First Nations people in Papua and Australia confirm mounting archeological evidence that the First Australians are the oldest civilisation on Earth. One of four studies on human ancestry published in Nature this week, the study by Prof Eske Willerslev of the University of Copenhagen shows that these groups arrived on the continent Continue Reading →
Geoff Ebbs /27 September, 2016
The founder of Permaculture and advocate for sustainable cities and food systems, Bill Mollison died last Saturday. Permaculture is a system of growing food that requires minimum energy, water and fertilizer and works with nature to reduce the ecological impact of feeding humans. It has also been applied to greening the desert in places as Continue Reading →
Geoff Ebbs /27 September, 2016
The rapid melting of glaciers in the so-called Third Pole located in the Himalayas and Central Asian mountains threatens the long term survival of billions of people across Central and Southern Asia. The melting is due to a 1.5 degree increase in surface temperature and will increase flows in the Mekong, Yellow, Yangtse, Ganges and Continue Reading →
Geoff Ebbs /20 September, 2016
The world’s largest primate is now critically endangered due to illegal hunting. The Eastern Gorilla is the latest victim of a phenomena known as extinction investment where the market for endangered animals spikes in anticipation of their disappearance, thereby accelerating the process. Ironically, efforts by national governments to protect an endangered species, serve to heighten Continue Reading →
Geoff Ebbs /20 September, 2016
The proposed merger of German pharmaceutical manufacturer Bayer and American pesticide and seed corporation Monsanto has raised global concerns among activists concerned about monopoly power over food security and human health. US Senators representing mid-western farmers have promised to scrutinize the deal which some financial commentators have said will fail, netting a windfall for Monsanto. Continue Reading →
admin /13 September, 2016
Two thirds of Africa’s forest elephants have been wiped out by poaching in the last decade. An estimated 100,000 elephants have been killed by poachers in that period. The population of elephants has fallen from around 20 million animals to less than one third of a million. At current rates there will be no elephants Continue Reading →