A wholesale attack on Renewables Inbox x LABOR

13 July, 2015 General news0
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A wholesale attack on Renewables


Mark Butler Unsubscribe

3:09 PM (12 minutes ago)

to me
“The Abbott government has opened up another front in its war on renewable energy by pulling the plug on investments in the most common form of alternative energy, rooftop and small-scale solar.” — Heath Aston, The Sydney Morning Herald, 13 July 2015Inga —

You and I know that Tony Abbott is stuck in the past — especially when it comes to his views on climate change.

But now Tony Abbott is actually holding Australia back. Over the weekend the Abbott Government banned the Clean Energy Finance Corporation from investing in wind farms (presumably because he doesn’t like how they look).

And today there are reports that he’s extending that ban to solar power. This goes well beyond Tony Abbott’s opposition to the aesthetic value of wind farms — it’s a wholesale attack on renewable energy.

Not only is this a backwards environmental policy, it also puts thousands of jobs and billions of dollars in investment in the renewable energy sector at risk.

Can you call the Environment Minister, Greg Hunt, and tell him to do his job and stand up for our environment?

Greg Hunt  made sure to come out Sunday  in support of Tony Abbott’s decision. Greg Hunt should hear exactly how angry Australians are about his failure to do his job. We’ll give you some talking points and his phone number — just click here to get the details.

Our environment minister should be standing up for renewable energy and our environment, not destroying it.

I know Australians won’t take this attack on renewable energy lying down. Please call Greg Hunt to make sure he understands how important renewable energy is to Australians.

Thanks for your support,

Mark Butler
Shadow Minister for the Environment, Climate Change and Water

P.S. Renewable energy has a bright future under Labor. Please click here for the details on the announcement I made with Bill Shorten about Labor’s plans for renewable energy.

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