Antony Green’s Election Guide


Antony Green’s Election Guide

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Senate – New South Wales

Senators Facing Election (Elected 2007)

Party Senators
Labor (3) Doug Cameron, Bob Carr, Ursula Stephens
Liberal (2) Marise Payne, Arthur Sinodinos
National (1) John Williams

(Senators elected November 2007, term commenced 1 July 2008, expires 30 June 2014)

Continuing Senators (Elected 2010)

Party Senators
Labor (2) John Faulkner plus one vacancy
Liberal (2) Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, Bill Heffernan
National (1) Fiona Nash
Greens (1) Lee Rhiannon

(Senators elected August 2010, term commenced 1 July 2011, expires 30 June 2017)


Labor Senator Mark Arbib resigned in February 2012 to be replaced by Bob Carr. Liberal Senator Helen Coonan resigned in August 2011 to be replaced by Arthur Sinodinos. Labor Senator Matt Thistlewaite has resigned to contested Kingsford Smith at the 2013 election. His seat is currently vacant.

Group Voting Tickets and Senate Calculator

Group voting tickets and Senate calculators will be available after they are released around 19 August.

Summary of Past Results

Election Percentage of Vote Seats Won
1977 (5) 40.1 43.3 8.3 .. .. 8.3 2 2 1 .. ..
1980 (5) 44.7 41.9 6.9 .. .. 6.5 3 2 .. .. ..
1983 (10) 47.4 38.1 8.6 .. .. 5.9 5 4 1 .. ..
1984 (7) 41.6 37.0 7.3 .. .. 14.1 3 3 1 .. ..
1987 (12) 42.4 40.4 9.1 1.0 .. 7.1 5 5 1 .. 1
1990 (6) 40.6 38.4 11.8 2.9 .. 6.3 3 2 1 .. ..
1993 (6) 46.9 38.9 4.9 3.4 .. 5.9 3 3 .. .. ..
1996 (6) 37.2 41.4 9.5 2.7 .. 9.2 2 3 1 .. ..
1998 (6) 38.7 36.6 7.3 2.2 9.6 5.6 3 2 1 .. ..
2001 (6) 33.5 41.8 6.2 4.4 5.6 8.6 2 3 .. 1 ..
2004 (6) 36.4 44.1 2.2 7.3 1.9 8.1 3 3 .. .. ..
2007 (6) 42.1 39.3 0.9 8.4 0.4 8.9 3 3 .. .. ..
2010 (6) 36.5 39.0 0.7 10.7 0.6 12.6 2 3 .. 1 ..

Notes: In 1984, Peter Garrett for the Nuclear Disarmament Party recorded 9.7% of the vote. At the 1987 election, the Nuclear Disarmament Party won the 12th Senate vacancy, even though they recorded only 1.0% of the vote

Declared Candidates
Candidate Name Party
ALP Australian Labor Party
CARR, Bob Australian Labor Party
CAMERON, Doug Australian Labor Party
STEPHENS, Ursula Australian Labor Party
L/NP Liberal/National Coalition
PAYNE, Marise Liberal Party
WILLIAMS, John The Nationals
SINODINOS, Arthur Liberal Party
HAY, Alan The Nationals
CAMERON, Carolyn Liberal Party
CAMERON, Angus Liberal Party
GRN Greens
FAEHRMANN, Cate The Greens
CDP Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile group)
PEEBLES, Robyn Christian Democrats
LIONS, Deborah Christian Democrats
RAHME, Peter Christian Democrats
FRASER, Caroline Christian Democrats
CLIFFORD, Ross Christian Democrats
KAP Katter’s Australian Party
MAILLER , Peter Katter’s Australian Party
MAKA, Anthony Katter’s Australian Party
PUP Palmer United Australia
ADAMSON, Matt Palmer United Australia
WRIGHTSON , Suellen Palmer United Australia
FFP Family First
ROSSITER, Fiona Family First
DLP Democratic Labour Party
MCCAFFREY, Simon Democratic Labour Party
HANNA, Daniel Democratic Labour Party
ONP One Nation
HANSON, Pauline One Nation
MCCULLOCH, Kate One Nation
PLUMB, Aaron One Nation
AJP Animal Justice Party
PEARSON, Mark Animal Justice Party
VICKERS, Kate Animal Justice Party
SPP Stable Population Party
BOURKE, William Stable Population Party
SPIKE, Kris Stable Population Party
AIN Australian Independents
TANKS, Bradley Australian Independents
PALMER, Ray Australian Independents
HIRST, Stephen Australian Independents
DLR Drug Law Reform
TRIMINGHAM, Tony Drug Law Reform
HUNT, Miles Drug Law Reform
HMP Help End Marijuana Prohibition
FUTTER, BJ Help End Marijuana Prohibition
OLBOURNE, Jason Help End Marijuana Prohibition
SPA Secular Party
BRYCE, Ian Secular Party
OWEN, Christopher Secular Party
VEP Voluntary Euthansia Party
HIGSON, Shayne Voluntary Euthanasia
WKP Wikileaks Party
TRANTER, Kellie Wikileaks Party
BROINOWSKI, Alison Wikileaks Party

Antony Green

Antony Green is the ABC’s election analyst.

Antony has worked on every federal, state and territory election since his first election with the ABC in Queensland in 1989.

He has appeared regularly on camera since the 1993 Federal election, when he was the first to call the return of the Keating government.

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Australian Electoral Commission

For all information on electoral enrolment, when and how to vote, visit the Australian Electoral Commission website.

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