Australia takes lights off program to the world

Climate chaos0

“Earth Hour is a reflection of widespread global concern over climate change, but it is also an excellent example of how Australian green innovation can succeed internationally.

“This year, more than 50 million people in 370 cities in 35 countries turned off their lights to encourage governments, individuals and businesses to reduce their carbon emissions.

“The fact that in 2009, WWF are aiming to inspire one billion people with an idea that originated in Sydney only two years ago, also promotes Australia’s standing as a forward-thinking nation capable of the creativity and innovation needed to make a difference to global carbon emissions reduction. 

“The high level of support for Earth Hour shows a strong commitment to tackling climate change in the global community, which in turn demonstrates the potential for Australian green innovation to expand trade and create jobs.

“The global market for renewable energy is set to be worth US$750 billion a year by 2016. A recent United Nations Environment Program report also predicted investment of US$630 billion in sustainable energy implementation would create 20 million jobs globally by 2030.

“The future international competitiveness of the Australian economy is reliant on our ability to position ourselves to go beyond resources, and by supporting innovation and the development of new industry capabilities.

“From solar research and development and new geothermal technologies to green building design, Australia has the opportunity to become a world leader in a range of low emissions related technologies, products and services. 

“The Rudd Government’s climate change policies require at least 20% of Australia’s electricity to be generated from renewable sources by 2020, and that Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions fall by 60% by 2050. From 2010 the Government will introduce a carbon price into the Australian economy for the first time through the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme,” Mr Harcourt said.

Austrade is assisting Australian clean energy and environment companies to capitalise on new commercial opportunities arising from the transition to a lower carbon economy.

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