Caltex embraces bio-fuels


Caltex says it has achieved its year-end target of over 100 Caltex-supplied service stations selling ethanol blended petrol, says The Australian Financial Review (22/12/06, p.13).

E10 at 125 stations: E10 Unleaded petrol, blended with 10 per cent ethanol, is now sold at over 125 service stations in the Caltex network from Canberra to Cairns. This has doubled availability within the network in just six months.

Biodiesel added: All diesel fuel supplied from the Caltex distribution terminal in Newcastle is New Generation Diesel, enhanced with two per cent biodiesel. Over 235 service stations supplied by Caltex new sell E10 Unleaded petrol or New Generation Diesel, or both.
Caltex supplies a range of biodiesel blends to commercial customers in New South Wales and South Australia.

Ready for increasing demand: Caltex has terminal and blending facilities in place to support increasing demand for biofuels, with plans to expand into new and existing markets. More service stations selling E10 Unleaded are also planned.

The Australian Financial Review, 22-26/12/2006, p.13  Provided by eRisk

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