Car-free plan for George St
- From:The Daily Telegraph
- February 21, 2012

Artist’s impression …George St looking north from Park St with light rail. Source: The Daily Telegraph
A CAR-free main street for Sydney will cost $400,000 even before a stone is laid.
Sydney City Council last night voted to spend $150,000 to commission surveys of George St to “assist design work” and another $250,000 to come up with designs for lighting, pavers, public art, trees and street furniture.
A proposal to make 57 laneways off George St “slow zones” with 10km speed limits was also adopted last night, with plans to budget millions of dollars next financial year.
Negotiations with the Roads and Maritime Services are to be expedited in a bid to convert Sydney’s already slow streets to slow zones where runners will legally be able to travel faster than cars.
The council also adopted a report that said: “No property owners with existing driveways will lose vehicle access as a result of the proposed George St light rail project or associated pedestrianisation.”
Tenants or residents will have “unrestricted access”.
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