THE Central Coast faces the greatest risk from sea level rise in NSW if no action is taken against climate change.
That’s what Human Services Minister Tanya Plibersek told residents during her visit to the coast on Tuesday to sell the government’s carbon tax.
“We know the science tells us that we need to act on dangerous climate change,” Ms Plibersek said.
“The science shows us that the Central Coast faces the highest risk of inundation from sea level rise in NSW.
“The Federal Government is taking action to tackle dangerous climate change and move Australia towards a clean energy future while supporting jobs and providing assistance to households and pensioners.”
According to the 2009 report Climate Change Risks to Coastal Buildings and Infrastructure, Lake Macquarie, Wyong and Gosford Local Government Areas LGAs were the top three areas estimated to see the highest number of homes in NSW at risk of inundation from a sea level rise.
Lake Macquarie alone may see between 5100 and 6800 residential buildings affected by sea level rise and storm inundation by 2100.
27 May 10 @
Climate group demands action on sea level rises
BY 2100 you will need a snorkel and flippers if you want to reach Pretty Beach Public School. 7 comments
13 Oct 10 @
Angry home owners to fight sea level climate laws
ANGRY property owners will continue to fight new government planning laws on sea level rises and coastal storm damage. 14 comments
15 Jul 11 @
Mayor not surprised by sea level claims
GOSFORD Mayor Laurie Maher said he was not surprised to hear the Central Coast rated highest in the number of homes predicted to be affected by sea level rise. 7 comments
- mick writes:
Posted on 30 Jul 11 at 02:22pm -
We have the 2 camps on this topic. But I venture to say that the sceptics are in complete denial clinging to statements made by non-science spruikers and one or two scientists who have tried to put a time frame on events. The problem with those folk who live their lives using the flat earth policy is that they will most likely be the first to crow as the water begins to rise. It never ceases to amaze me that some people believe that you can add another 50 billion people to this planet, and then more again, and that she’ll be right. Most scientists have reached agreement on climate change coming after all available evidence was scrutinised and peer evaluated…. not becaust Tony Abbott and the big business lobby (which funds the re-election of politicians) says so. Our granchildren will pay the price for those of us who live on a ‘flat earth’ when this generation is long gone. What a legacy to leave one’s descendants.
- Ashley McCallum writes:
Posted on 29 Jul 11 at 12:55pm -
Well if Tanya is correct in her outlandish, baseless and alarmist predictions, she should have told her fellow discredited alarmist friend Tim Flannery before he bought his new house on the water at Coba Point, off the Hawkesbury River. Isn’t it odd how they say one thing with their mouths yet another with their wallets. You are being lied to people.
- Dave writes:
Posted on 29 Jul 11 at 10:27am -
More Labor/Green lies to scare us into accepting an unjust and unnecessary tax. As the child once said “The King is in the altogether”. I am so glad that there are enough people in this country with the self confidence and intellect to stand up and call this for what it is; scare mongering, lies and deceit in the interest of a political agenda that can only be called extremist.
- Matt writes:
Posted on 19 Jul 11 at 12:20pm -
Can you picture those IPCC projections, with different lines on the graph, with the ‘best case’ prediction at the lowest and the ‘worst-case’ prediction at the highest? Those projections were first done in 1992 and re-done about ten years later. Since then, the real data has tracked right along the ‘worst-case’ line for just about everything they measured, including sea level. Yelling about the worst case scenario isn’t scaremongering. It’s happening already.
- Peggy writes:
Posted on 17 Jul 11 at 03:22pm -
I think Tanya doesn’t know the difference between sea level rise and erosion. Wave action of the ocean erodes the sea shore. It’s been doing that long before global warming/climate change was ever invented.