Coal crackdown will not reduce emissions

Energy Matters0


But an analysis by Greenpeace shows that none of the 12 proposed coal plants would be forced into a redesign or be shelved due to the standards.

The figures show just three of the proposed plants would emit more carbon per megawatt hour of electricity generated than would be allowed under Labor’s promised standards.

The proposed Bluewaters 3 and Bluewaters 4 coal plants in Western Australia both have emissions intensity rates of 0.92, and the proposed Coolimba plant in WA will have a rate of 0.9 to 1.0. All three have state government approval and would be exempt from federal Labor’s standards.

The emissions intensity for a new coal generator in South Australia – Altona Energy’s Arckaringa plant, which is in an early stage of development – remains unknown. Calls to Altona Energy’s Australian office went unanswered yesterday.

A proposed brown coal plant in Victoria with emissions standards of between 0.78 and 0.87 was recently withdrawn for redesign to meet a tougher 0.8 standard set by the Victorian government as part of its climate change white paper.

The other seven new plants all have estimated emissions intensity rates below Labor’s 0.86 standard. The lowest is the 0.18 at the Wandoan carbon capture project in Queensland.