Colorado goes fracking free: we have the power
Renewable energy is real and happening – and we can persuade industry to find better ways than fracking
-, Tuesday 23 October 2012 19.25 BST
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Recently, I joined a movement called Frack Free Colorado, helping to educate all of us energy consumers on the ease of moving to renewables like wind and solar, and away from the more toxic oil, gas and coal. I’ll be speaking on Tuesday, on the lawn of the Colorado state capitol, along with others like Leilani Munther, known as the “Carbon-free Girl” race car driver, actor and environmental activist Daryl Hannah, scientist Sandra Steingraber, musicians Jakob Dylan and Rami Jafee of the Wallflowers, and a Colorado favorite, Elephant Revival.
It’s the right event at the right time, and what I love about Frack Free is that we’re challenging our audience to be part of the change as they learn and dance to celebrate the future we want to see. Part of that change is looking at how we build our own nest and commit to personal action. There’s nothing worse than finger-pointing – when we walk in and turn on natural gas to cook our food, or heat our house.
Here at the Willingway, our retreat center near Malibu, my partner Bobby and I have been growing our own food and putting solar to work on our roof. It feels great to watch the meter feeding energy into the grid, instead of just pulling it out.
With my focus on health and wellness, and “greening up the inner world” with healthy eating habits, yoga, and meditation, I see our interconnectedness to the earth just by looking at the human body. We are made up of mostly water, so it is imperative that we don’t pollute our water sources.
The hydraulic fracturing process utilizes large amounts of toxic chemicals – 10,000-40,000 gallons per well. Science has shown that it ends up in the water we drink, the water that’s used on our food, and the water that nourishes fish, animals, birds, and plants. It’s important that we find a cleaner way to power our lives.
Partnerships are so important and we’re working to partner with the leaders in the energy industry to work toward 100% renewable. That’s conscious leadership, and it’s always been my belief that if I let go of my complaining about what’s broken, and roll up my sleeves to help fix it, change happens faster than we can ever imagine.
I invite everyone who cares about our earth, energy, and what we leave behind for future generations to join me at Frack Free Colorado, Tuesday from 3-7pm (MT) at Civic Park on Capital Hill in Denver, or check out our website to find out more about fracking and to see what’s possible with renewable energy today. If we have “power in numbers”, we’ll send a message to the world that even the largest consumer of energy in the world can change for the better.
Frack Free Forever!